S 26, C 3000, A 1200, PG 280

All about Husqvarna air cleaners

Discover our portable air cleaners, ready to clean indoor air everywhere.

T 10000, C 5500, A 1200, PG 680 RC

The ideal complement to any air quality system

Husqvarna A-Line air scrubbers include some of the most advanced and versatile portable air cleaners available on the market.

They are tested and certified for use as both HEPA Air Scrubbers and Negative Air Machines, making them the ideal complement to your dust and slurry management equipment, as well as in other applications where good air quality is essential.

Husqvarna A-Line air scrubbers provide added workplace safety and aid in legal compliance. The compact design makes the units easy to move and transport.

Maintenance A 2000

Great features for efficient work

Two-stage air filtration
A pre-filter made of pleated polyester catches the larger dust fractions before the air enters the individually tested HEPA H13 filter, ensuring 99.99% efficiency at 0.3 Ī¼m.

Quiet and efficient operation
The powerful, super-quiet two-speed motor is capable of delivering thousands of cubic feet of clean air every hour, all day long.

Excellent mobility
The low weight, compact design, lockable swivel wheels and transport handles allow for smooth transportation.