LT 6005

Wszystko o ubijakach Husqvarna

Poznaj wszystkie nasze ubijaki przeznaczone skutecznego ubijania gliny i iłu.

LT 6005

Wydajne ubijaki przystosowane do ubijania gleb o dużej spoistości

Glina i iły to gleby o dużej spoistości. Do ich ubijania potrzebne są maszyny o dużej sile uderzenia i niższej częstotliwości, co zapewnia seria ubijaków Husqvarna LT.

Equipped with the purpose-built Honda GXR120 petrol engine, which is designed specifically for tamping rammers, they give you all the force you need with superb balance and control, low noise and low emissions.

Husqvarna LT tamping rammers are ideal for trench and sewage systems, gardening and landscaping, compaction on backfill, foundations, patching and repairs.

LT 6005

Znakomite funkcje dla większej wydajności

Doskonałe parametry trakcyjne
Wyważona konstrukcja zapewnia doskonałe parametry trakcyjne i znakomitą zwrotność.

Great ergonomics
The single lifting point and rollers on the steering bow make on-site handling easy. Transport wheel kit available as an accessory.

High compaction performance
Efficient compaction thanks to a powerful engine attached to a durable gearbox delivering high speed and high impact force.

Easy to operate
The balanced design provides excellent traction and manoeuvrability. Good visibility of the rammer foot in operation, which enables timely movement.

Easy to service
Easy access to all service points including oil level checking (engine and foot), air filter cleaning/replacing. Equipped with hour meter, air filter indicator and oil warning indicator.