All about Husqvarna Steel blasters

Prepare and maintain surfaces.

Steel blasting - the video

Application areas - horizontal

  1. Steel blaster application – horizontal systems storage tank bottom plates and roof plates

    Storage tank bottom plates and roof plates

  2. Steel blaster application – horizontal systems ship and helicopter decks

    Ship and helicopter decks

  3. Steel blaster application – horizontal systems walkways and helidecks on offshore platforms

    Walkways and helidecks on offshore platforms

  4. Steel blaster application – horizontal systems steel bridges and steel decks

    Steel bridges and steel decks

Application areas - vertical

  1. Steel blaster application – vertical systems storage tanks

    Storage tank

  2. Steel blaster application – vertical systems ship holds

    Ship holds

  3. Steel blaster application – vertical systems ship hulls

    Ship hulls

  4. Steel blaster application – vertical systems pipelines



Ideal for steel surface preparation

Blastrac steel blasting systems are very effective methods of removing paint, coatings, non-skid and other contaminants from steel surfaces. Blastrac steel blasting systems use steel shot or a mixture of angular steel grit and steel shot, allowing the operator to achieve a wide range of anchor patterns (surface profiles) and roughness needed for almost any type of coating application.

By reusing the abrasives the closed circuit shot blasting machines is a resource-smart solution. Also no valuable water is used and wasted and no chemicals are used that endanger the environment.


The benefits of steel blasting

Work dust free with a closed circut
Every shot blaster has to be connected to a dust collector. This means that you are able to work dust free, creating a safer working environment.

Modular construction
Blastrac EBE 350 and EBE 500 steel blasters can be disassembled into only a few parts. This allows for the machine to be passed through a Ø600 mm storage tank access hatch.

Electric or hydraulic
Depending on the type of project and application, you can choose a steel blaster with an electrical or hydraulic drive system. Ask us for advice!

Steel surface

Steel surface preparation

The performance of protective coatings or paint and related products applied to steel is significantly affected by the state of the steel surface immediately prior to painting.

The principal factors that are known to influence this performance are: the presence of rust and mill scale; the presence of surface contaminants including salts, dust, oils and greases; the surface profile. The surface preparation process not only cleans steel, but also creates a suitable profile (anchor pattern) to receive the protective coating.

Blastrac closed circuit steel blasting machines are very cost effective and efficient in preparing steel surfaces. They clean and prepare at the same time, ensuring a proper adhesion of the subsequent coating, painting or any other product to be applied.

When preparing steel surfaces, we focus on two things: the cleanliness and the roughness levels.

  Brush-off Commercial Near white
ISO 8501-1  SA 1 SA 2 SA 2 1/2 SA 3
SSPC SP 7 SP 6 SP 10 SP 5

Surface cleanliness

There are two main international standards regarding steel surface cleanliness: the ISO Standard and the SSPC Standard.

ISO 8501-1 standards
It is a visual assessment relating to surface cleanliness. A number of preparation grades and the degree of cleaning are specified. The preparation grades are defined by written descriptions of the surface appearance after the cleaning operation, together with representative photographic examples.

SSPC standards
The SSPC (Society for Protective Coatings) Standards are used for specifying the degree of cleanliness of steel surfaces. SSPC has standard definitions and photographs for common methods of cleaning.

Surface roughness

The surface roughness of the steel surface is important to ensure a good adhesion of the coatings (set by an ISO standard). It is measured in microns and it shows the difference between the peaks and troughs in a steel surface. It is important because it will also affect the amount of paint to be used. With Blastrac closed circuit steel blasting machines, it is possible to easily achieve any roughness profiles by adjusting the abrasive mixture and speed of the machine.


Steel abrasives

Depending on the type of surface you want to blast and the result you want to achieve, you can choose different types of abrasives.

Steel blasters

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