LG 504

All about Husqvarna compactors

Discover our forward and reversible plate compactors, tampers and compaction rollers.

LG 164

A wide range of compactors for all jobs

With our wide range of compactors you can handle all kinds of compaction jobs ā€“ from clay, silt and sand, gravel to rockfill and asphalt. All Husqvarna compactors are high-performance, well-balanced and ergonomically designed, allowing you to work all day with minimal strain.

LT 6005

An efficient compactor means a sharp operator

Operator efficiency is key to high production rates and high-quality results. By designing our compactors for easy handling and reduced vibrations in hands and arms, we help you stay focused and sharp for the whole working day.

Husqvarna compactors are developed for high productivity, performance and durability. Every detail in every machine ā€“ from the ergonomic, vibration-damped handles to the tough, wear-resistant steel surface compacting the ground ā€“ is designed to get the job done with high uptime and low maintenance.

Service technician Service Center tablet

Husqvarna technicians at your service

When your compactor is due for service or needs repair, our expert technicians stand ready to fix it without delay. Visit our support section for more information about our service literature, service network and contact details.