1. BMC 335RC right
  2. BMC 335RC left
  3. BMC 335RC right
  4. BMC 335RC left
  5. BMC 335RC front
  6. BMC 335RC right
  7. BMC 335RC right
  1. BMC 335RC right
  2. BMC 335RC left
  3. BMC 335RC right
  4. BMC 335RC left
  5. BMC 335RC front
  6. BMC 335RC right
  7. BMC 335RC right

Product Description

BMC 335 is a heavy duty electric shaver. It is the answer to the toughest sawing needs. Its increased weight allows it to generate more efficient sawing action. It is equipped with a 15 kW sawing motor and an electrical drive system which saves the operator from having permanent contact with the handle. Other features include ergonomic operations, easily adjustable speed and tracking and an ability to turn 360 degrees. In addition, the drum housing, which is surrounding by dust seals, is mounted in the frame by torque bushes, giving lower vibration levels. We offer a full range of drums and blades, which provides the opportunity to process any floor and specific application.
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Showing 4 features

Control panel

Special operating handle with depth indicator and ergonomic integrated control panel which reduces vibrations.

BMC 335RC right

Optimised traction

Optimised traction thanks to 2 large drive wheels and 2 powerful electric motors.

BMC 335RC right

Efficient dust management

This machine is equipped with a large dust hose connection of 100 mm diameter for minimised dust exposure on the site.

BMC 335RC right

Manual or remote control

This machine is available in manual or remote-controlled versions.

BMC 335RC right
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Top specifications

Working width33.5 cm
Output power16 kW
Voltage400 V
Weight (complete product w/o side packed articles)430 kg