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  1. Blastrac DC 2-48 (web hero angle)
  1. Blastrac DC 2-48 (web hero angle)
  2. Blastrac DC 2-48
  3. Blastrac DC 2-48
  4. Blastrac DC 2-48


Blastrac DC 2-48 er specielt designet til at koble til Husqvarna Blastrac 2-48DS-sandblæseren og kan bruges på beton- og asfaltoverflader. På grund af den lavere højde og det integrerede drivsystem er denne industri støvsuger meget manøvredygtig i forhold til sin størrelse. Støvsugeren er udstyret med 20 stk. højkvalitetspatronfiltre i M-klassen. Filtrene er nemme at rense takket være det automatiske pulsfilterrensningssystem. Støvet opsamles i industristøvsugeren i ét system til store poser, der er nemt og hurtigt at udskifte.
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Viser 4 funktioner

Easy and quick bag system

The dust collector is equipped with one easy and quick to replace big bag system.

Web feature: DC 2-48 big bag

Continuous work without interruption

The dust collector is equipped with rotating valves to disperse the collected dust into the big bag during operation. It is possible to change the bag during operation without interrupting the steel blasting process.

Blastrac DC 2-48 (web hero angle)

20 easy to clean filters

The dust collector is equipped with 20 high quality M-class cartridge filters which are automatically cleaned by the pulse cleaning system.

Web feature: DC 2-48 M-class

Easy to manoeuvre

Equipped with an integrated drive system that makes it very easy to manoeuvre despite its size.

Web feature: DC 2-48 drive system
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Faser3 ph
Effekt18 kW
Luftstrøm, m3/h4.400 m³/t