  1. BLASTRAC DC 975
  2. BLASTRAC DC 975
  3. BLASTRAC DC 975
  4. BLASTRAC DC 975

Product Description

The Blastrac DC 975 heavy duty dust collection system combines power, efficiency, and productivity in one durable machine. Blastrac DC 975 is the preferred choice of professional contractors requiring uninterrupted operation and high performance. It is ideally suited for use with large size shot blasting, steel blasting and scarifying machines. It is equipped with nine M-class cartridge filters and an optional H14 HEPA filter kit can be added. Blastrac DC 975 is equipped with a dustbin kit. It can also be equipped with either with a Longopac® system or a big bag system. The filters are automatically cleaned thanks to the pulse filter cleaning system.
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Showing 5 features

Flexible dust collection system

The dust collector is standard equipped with a dustbin system. Optional it can be equipped with either a Longopac® system or a big bag system.

Web feature: DC 975 longo

Efficient automatic filter cleaning

The dust collector is equipped with a high performance compressor. The filters are cleaned by an automatic pulse filter cleaning system.

Web feature: DC 655_975 filters

Easy to lift

The machine has one ergonomic lifting point on top of the machine for easy transportation.

Web feature: DC 975 lifting point

Nine easy to replace filters

The dust collector is equipped with nine M-class cartridge filters which are very easy to replace. An optional H14 HEPA filter kit can be added.

Web feature: DC 655_975 filters
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Top specifications

Power sourceCorded
Phases3 ph
Rated input power9 kW
Air flow3,510 m³/h
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